Let Me Explain…
I believe that small towns, small cities and rust belt communities have the power to re-write their story and transform themselves at the intersection of entrepreneurship and community… I’m seeing that happen in my hometown of Utica, NY where I am the Director of the thINCubator – a local incubator and co-working facility where I’ve worked with over 200 entrepreneurs and want-repreneurs (folks who WANT to start a venture but don’t know how to get started).
I build websites, videos and marketing strategies for rust belt businesses. I work with towns and communities who want to empower creatives, artists and entrepreneurs to build a better future. I can teach to you ‘enough to be dangerous’ when it comes to digital strategy, customer experience design, and content strategy. I work with entrepreneurs who need to build a plan for launch, growth and hold you the accountable so you can make big things happen.