Ryan Miller connects big ideas, communities, stories, and people. Currently he’s the Director of MVCC’s ThINCubator, an incubator/co-working space in Utica, NY that exists to foster a culture of entrepreneurship. He’s worked with over 300 entrepreneurs, want-repreneurs, students, makers, hackers, refugees and seasoned business owners to solve problems, build businesses and create opportunity.

He’s also the founder of Rust Belt Startup where he acts as a creative mercenary – building websites, videos, producing podcasts podcasts and marketing strategies for small businesses and great causes.

Ryan is a Figure-outer-er and has an addiction to learning and building. He’s one of the founders of TEDxUtica, The Utica Firefly Storytelling Series, and Detour Utica. He’s an, aspiring wine snob, curious traveler, recovering singer/songwriter and most importantly a husband and a dad.