Let Me Explain…

I believe that small towns, small cities and rust belt communities have the power to re-write their story and transform themselves at the intersection of entrepreneurship and community… I’m seeing that happen in my hometown of Utica, NY where I am the Director of the thINCubator – a local incubator and co-working facility where I’ve worked with over 200 entrepreneurs and want-repreneurs (folks who WANT to start a venture but don’t know how to get started).

I build websites, videos and marketing strategies for rust belt businesses. I work with towns and communities who want to empower creatives, artists and entrepreneurs to build a better future. I can teach to you ‘enough to be dangerous’ when it comes to digital strategy, customer experience design, and content strategy. I work with entrepreneurs who need to build a plan for launch, growth and hold you the accountable so you can make big things happen.

Fire Cousin Timmy

When most businesses start up they’re faced with a problem. How do I build my brand, tell my story and attract customers? Too many times, they think their choice is between hiring a full-service marketing agency which does awesome work but is out of budget….and cousin Timmy. Timmy has no real marketing experience, but he loves facebook, owns a fancy laptop and works for free.

Too many people hire cousin Timmy and they end up with a crappy website, no meaningful strategy and a terrible brand image.

Services - Web Dev

Looking for someone who can deliver you a sleek, no-nonsense website for your company or personal brand? Need responsive design? Check. Need commerce integration? Check. Need a design you can be proud of? Check. Need to do it all on a super-reasonable budget? Check. 

I’m a WordPress nerd.

WordPress is a platform that’s easy to learn, robust, and is constantly being updated to integrate the latest web standards. I utilize multiple frameworks and plugins that allow for easy and flexible updating of the site. Utilizing WordPress also does not bind the client to any one host or service such as SquareSpace or any proprietary CMS system, therefore the site can be moved between servers or hosts, and updated without difficulty. Don’t trust your brand to one of those free site builders and you don’t need to pay huge development fees. Ready to get started? Good. Projects start at only $1,500. 

Recent Projects
Enough To Be Dangerous Video

Spielberg I am NOT. But you probably don’t need him anyway. If you need to show the world what you’re all about, showcase work that matters, or tell a story that connects emotionally with your audience, I can help. 

Your video strategy should NOT just be about a single long-form video. I can shoot, edit and re-package your finished video to look great as a Facebook video, Instagram Stories, and beyond. 
